8 Ways Data Analytics can Improve Customer Experience

Digitisation has changed the way people work. It has also affected the places where people work. Coworking spaces have been on the rise in the past few years, and many commercial realtors feel as though coworking spaces make it even harder to find new tenants.
Coworking spaces can actually be a source of revenue and new tenants for commercial realtors! Being a hub of up and coming businesses that would be perfect fits for their spaces.
Winning over new tenants from the coworking world can be a tough sell, and attracting coworking spaces to your vacancies may seem impossible.
Read More “How Digitisation is impacting Coworking Spaces & Tenants”
The digital technologies are empowering companies to use technology to transform their operations, respond swiftly to customers, and augment new business models for additional revenue.
In a Forrester study, executives predicted that by 2020, 47% of revenue will be influenced by digital technologies. The digital technologies are taking over traditional businesses and companies are looking at transformation strategies to adapt.
How businesses prepare for the digital onslaught will dictate their future. The organisations that are lagging behind and not adapting fast enough are losing ground. Digital transformation is a key necessity in today’s world. Read More “5 Digital Transformation mistakes and how to fix them”
Software development is driving the world with everything from mobile to aircrafts depending on it. Whether it is mission critical applications or popular games on your mobile devices, software programming plays a part in it.
The evolution of programming languages is quite fascinating and dates back to 1940s and 50s. The first high level programming language was Plankalkül developed by Konrad Zuse between 1942 and 1945. It was the first language designed for engineering purposes.
The first commercial available language was FORTRAN developed in 1956 at IBM.
Read More “The Most Popular Programming Languages According to Google”