Cloud Adoption

Cloud adoption has increased many folds. Enterprises & government organisations are no longer apprehensive in moving to the cloud. Companies are now embracing cloud ERP & business process automation software. Kreyon Systems is a leading software company for cloud based business management software. Please get in touch for any queries or assistance.
Facility Management Solution

This infographic explores how facility management solution works. Empower your business with the best facility management software for automated leasing, space management, fixed assets maintenance, stock replenishment & operations management. Kreyon Systems provides asset management system & facility management software for business clients. If you need any help, please contact us.
CRM Software Development
Custom CRM software development creates a CRM product built to industry and client’s specifications. Kreyon’s CRM Software development services can help you build the right CRM for your business. We have multi industry expertise in CRM implementation. Please reach out to us for any help or assistance for business software.
Top 10 Characteristics of a great Tech Team

Small teams of committed individuals have been putting a ding in the universe. The landscape of personal Computers was changed by Microsoft. An algorithm developed by Google organised world’s information at the click of a button. The mobile industry was revolutionised & transformed by Apple. Small teams with passionate individuals have been able to achieve audacious & impossible goals in the world of technology. These teams have achieved unimaginable success by the dint of their incredible work ethic, relentless efforts, great ideas & perfect timing. These technology teams have some common traits that made them enormously successful. Here is a look at what makes these teams great:
Building Value & Winning with Outsourcing

The traditional mode of work was bound to time, but today’s work is about creating value. We live in an era where technological skills become obsolete very fast. Organisations are increasingly pressed to improve process speeds, focus on core business areas, cut down costs and improve revenues. One of sure fire ways of achieving this is to outsource tasks, especially those not related to core business areas. Outsourcing is one of the ways companies can tap into the talent pool around the world & build a global business. Read More “Building Value & Winning with Outsourcing”