7 Factors that shape Customer Experience

A company can have many reasons for failure, but only customers can make it successful. Success in business largely depends on how your customers perceive your brand. The customer experience shapes the brand perception. It is one of the finest ways a brand can distinguish itself from its competition & serve its customers. Read More “7 Factors that shape Customer Experience”
10 Tips to Power Your Business with a Dynamic Website

Running a business can be a tough job. It can become even more exhausting if things are not well organised. Chasing new business, getting the best folks to join your company, giving personalised attention to customers, retaining talent, managing ever changing dynamics are just a few responsibilities to mention. Businesses cannot afford to lose time in the increasingly competitive marketplace. Organisations today are looking at easy solutions that can organise stuff for them, while they can focus on core areas & growth opportunities. Dynamic website is one solution that can organise your business. Some of the best organisations around the globe use dynamic websites to simplify their day to day work.
Read More “10 Tips to Power Your Business with a Dynamic Website”
10 tips to ensure Success for your Enterprise IT Projects!

Most Enterprise IT projects fail. According to a study by Mckinsey in conjunction with Oxford, “On average, large IT projects (budgets over $15M) run 45 percent over budget and 7 percent over time, while delivering 56 percent less value than predicted.” Gartner studies suggest that 75% of all US IT projects are considered to be failures by those responsible for initiating them. But with the growing technology penetration in business, can companies run away from digitisation? Far from it. Infact, alignment of business with IT remains on top priority for most companies today.
Read More “10 tips to ensure Success for your Enterprise IT Projects!”